2025 Elections

2025 CBYCA Nominations Slate
Commodore Robert Naylor, Raccoon Creek Boat Club
Vice Commodore Gosia Studnicki, Bush River Yacht Club
Rear Commodore Wayne Allen, Galloway Yacht Club
Qualifications Officer Sherri Voyzey, North Point Yacht Club and Pleasant Yacht Club
Secretary Sharon Winterling, Galloway Yacht Club
Treasurer Penny Rhine, Miles River Yacht Club
Director of Marketing & Communications                                     Thomas Yanni, Middle River Yacht Club
Director of Education & Training Gene Schenck, Bodkin Yacht Club
Immediate Past Commodore Thomas Yanni, Middle River Yacht Club
Director of Legislation David Thomas, Fells Point Yacht Club
     Maryland David Thomas, Fells Point Yacht Club
     Virginia Plan to Appoint
     Pennsylvania/Delaware Chris Schenck, Susquehanna Yacht Club
     New Jersey Plan to Appoint
     District of Columbia Howard Gasaway, Sr, Chesapeake Cruisers Association
Director of Federal Legislation David Thomas, Fells Point Yacht Club
District Representatives
     A – New Jersey Nick Noderer, Delaware River Yacht Club
     B – Philadelphia James Morrissey, Anchor Yacht Club
     C – Pennsylvania/Upper Bay Vacant – Plan to Appoint
     D – North of Baltimore PC Gene Schenck, Bodkin Yacht Club
     E – Baltimore and South Sherri Voyzey, North Point Yacht Club and Pleasant Yacht Club
     F – Eastern Shore North Tim Smith, Elk River Yacht Club
     G – Eastern Shore South Penny Rhine, Miles River Yacht Club
     H – Annapolis Area Robert Naylor, Raccoon Creek Boat Club – Plan to Appoint
     I – Southern Maryland/Solomons John Okay, Solomons Island Yacht Club
     J – Washington DC Harlie Spencer, District Yacht Club
     K – VA Mid Potomac River Vacant – Plan to Appoint
     L – Virginia South of 301 Bridge Vacant – Plan to Appoint