
CBYCA Constitution and By-Laws

This document defines the CBYCA, the purposes of the CBYCA, and the rules and regulations that govern the operations of the CBYCA. Strict adherence to these By-Laws by CBYCA officials and its member yacht clubs ensures continued proper operation and success of the Association.

Each year, when assuming office for the ensuing term, CBYCA Officers publicly swear to uphold and abide by the CBYCA By-Laws. In rare cases when By-Laws exceptions occur, the CBYCA Commodore and Board will follow the instructions in Article VIII, Section 22. Revisions to these By-Laws are made by strict adherence to the process defined in Article XIII.

The last major revision of the CBYCA Constitution and By-Laws was approved by the Member Clubs on August 27, 2016 and serves as the baseline for the current version. Subsequent revisions were approved by the Member Clubs on November 16, 2019 and Augist 21, 2021. This version of the Constitution and By-Laws was approved and is in effect by ratification of revisions by the Member Clubs on August 13, 2022.

The CBYCA Board strongly recommends that member club officials, especially Commodores and CBYCA Club Delegates, become familiar with these By-Laws to ensure smooth effective interactions between the Association and member clubs.

Respectfully Submitted,
P/C Joe Hellner, Bylaws Committee Chair