CBYCA Member Club Dues

CBYCA Member Club Dues 2024

The dues schedule below is unchanged from the previous year. As usual, your early payment is greatly appreciated.

CBYCA’s only income is from your annual dues and profits from the ads placed in the Chartroom Chatter Roster Issue annual edition. Your continued support allows the CBYCA to aggressively protect the rights of boaters in each of our member’s states, as well as matter which may affect the Chesapeake Bay and the surrounding waterways.

Please fill out the enclosed dues form and return with your check made payable to the CBYCA. The dues are payable by no later than January 31st for members in good standing.

Contact the Treasurer
Penny Rhine – CBYCA Treasurer

10442 Claiborne Rd
Claiborne, MD 21624
Ph: 410-310-3366

or Email: Treasurer@cbyca.org

The annual dues for Member Clubs is set in accordance with the following schedule which was changed slightly, based on the number of voting members in each club.  The Dues Notice is sent on or about December 1st.  This coincides with the beginning of the Association’s fiscal year.  Bills are to be paid by January 31st.

See ARTICLE XI, SECTION 2 of the By-Laws.

Voting Members   Dues
0 – 50 $ 75
51-100 $125
101-200 $150
201-300 $175
301-400 $200
401-500 $250
501+ $300


Contact the Rear Commodore to request a Patron Form

The fee for Patrons of the Association is set at $20 each year.  Though non-voting, are accorded all other rights and privileges including meeting and participation.  Patrons will receive the annual CBYCA Yearbook and all issues of the Chartroom Chatter.  Those joining before June 1st will pay the full amount of the fee; those joining after that date will be charged 50% of the annual fee.

Patron notices will be sent at the same time as that of Member Clubs.